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The Purple Book shows stability in strong defined benefit pension scheme funding

The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has today published the Purple Book 2024 which shows the strong net funding position of the universe of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes has remained largely stable over the past year. 

The Purple Book 2024

We’ve published the Purple Book 2024, the most comprehensive data and analysis of the UK defined benefit (DB) pension landscape.

PPF, ONS and TPR publish joint statement on DB pension scheme data

Alongside the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR), we've published a joint statement on defined benefit (DB) pension scheme funding data.  

PPF awarded ServiceMark accreditation with Distinction for exceptional customer service

The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has been awarded ServiceMark Accreditation with Distinction from The Institute of Customer Service (ICS), making it one of only 25 companies in the country to achieve the highest standard of customer service.

We’ve been awarded a distinction from the Institute of Customer Service

We're delighted to announce that we've been awarded a distinction level ServiceMark accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to delivering excellent service.  

Doing business with us

We use public sector framework agreements where appropriate to�source our�goods and services. How we manage the tender process We use our sourcing portal to advertise opportunities and to manage tender and quotation processes.

We've published our Responsible Investment report 2023/24

Today we’ve published our Responsible Investment (RI) report, which highlights how our key stewardship and governance activities contribute towards positive financial, societal and environmental outcomes.

PPF demonstrates the power of industry engagement and collaboration to drive positive change

The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has today published its fifth Responsible Investment report, which reinforces its commitment to promoting sustainability in the pensions industry and demonstrates the power industry engagement.

Reporting and investing transparently

Read our annual Responsible Investment and Climate Change reports

Defined benefit pension beliefs

We've identified 10 common beliefs people hold about their defined benefit scheme. Test your knowledge and find out more about DB pensions.