You’ll need to certify your deficit reduction contributions on TPR’s Exchange by the end of April.
You can certify with Option Alpha or Option Beta
There are two ways you can certify these deficit reduction payments:
Option Alpha – with an actuarial certificate
This option is available to all schemes. You’ll need a certificate from an actuary to certify the basis on which the calculation was carried out. Any qualified actuary can provide this – it doesn’t have to come from your scheme actuary.
Option Beta - with self -certification or with actuarial certificate
Following policy changes for the 2025/26 levy, all schemes are now able to use Option Beta.
In addition, Option Beta can now be used for special contributions if there is no recovery plan, with actuarial certification.
How to self-certify under Option Beta
A scheme trustee or company director may be able to complete the certification, if the amount certified does not exceed £1 million and is solely in respect of recovery plan contributions. If the amount certified is over this limit, or if you’re certifying special contributions not included in the recovery plan, then your scheme actuary must carry out the certification.
Find out how to self-certify under Option Beta and how to go about it.