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Receiving your invoice via secure messaging

We’re sending electronic invoices via a secure messaging service called Mimecast. You may have received emails about this from ‘’. 

How we calculate your invoice

We take several factors into account, based on the information we have about your pension scheme, to help calculate your levy invoice.

Read our introduction to the levy or download our levy guide to help you understand the details used in your levy calculation.

How we get information about your scheme

To help calculate your levy, we use the appropriate scheme return data and certificates submitted to The Pensions Regulator’s Exchange system by the annual deadlines.

To check or change your scheme data, please access your scheme information with TPR.

Find out more about the levy timeline and deadlines 

How we get information about your employer’s insolvency risk score

The insolvency risk levy rate is calculated using the average of monthly scores for each levy year – known as the mean score.

To check the information we hold about your employer(s), you’ll need to access your scheme on our portal.

Read more about how to give us insolvency risk information.

Useful quick links

Download our current levy guide

View your scheme information on The Pensions Regulator site

View your scheme information on our portal