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Late retirement factors for previous periods

If you need to access late retirement factors that were used in the past, simply follow the links to the appropriate tables, detailed below.

Commutation factors for previous periods

The circumstances in which commutation is possible are set out in Regulation 19 of the Pension Protection Fund (Compensation) Regulations 2005 and Regulation 21 sets out how this option may be exercised.

Commutation factors

The circumstances in which commutation is possible are set out in Regulation 19 of the Pension Protection Fund (Compensation) Regulations 2005. How this option may be exercised is set out in Regulation 21 of the same regulations. The amount of lump sum payable, per £100 of compensation given up, is set out in the following table: Commutation factors from 1 March 2023

Early retirement factors

The circumstances in which early payment is possible are set out in Regulation 2 of the Pension Protection Fund (Compensation) Regulations 2005. Pension compensation calculation The amount of pension compensation payable early is calculated according to the table in the link below.  This applies to all compensation determinations for early retirement with an effective date on or after 1 October 2022.

How we’re funded

As well as collecting levies, we help fund ourselves by investing income and managing assets.

Meeting new challenges with brilliant service

Both our members and levy payers reported high satisfaction levels over the year, and we won awards for our excellent customer service.

Transforming how we work

We continued to make our digital services more efficient.

Managing risk

Managing and understanding our opportunities, challenges and risks is critical to protecting our members and achieving our objectives.

Early retirement factors for previous periods

In all cases, the early retirement factor is applied to the compensation before the compensation cap is applied. Simply follow the links to the tables of early retirement factors detailed below: