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Frequently asked questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about who we are, how we're funded and what we do.

Response to valuation assumptions consultation

We received 13 responses to our consultation. They were generally positive, so we’ve decided to proceed with the majority of our proposed set of assumptions, with an amendment to the mortality assumptions for s143 valuations. 

Key figures

We use these measures to monitor our activities across the business.

An explanation of pension valuations

Explanations of the main calculations we use for pension valuations, in line with sections of The Pensions Act 2004.

Autism Awareness Day 2021

As part of World Autism Awareness Week, we’re showing our support this Autism Awareness Day. We aim to be an employer of choice, and that means being accessible to everyone.

Member story: Brian Bower

Brian is a Woolworths pension scheme member who is protected by the PPF.

Fraud Compensation Fund levy for 2021/22 confirmed

Last November a court ruling clarified that occupational pension schemes set up as part of a scam were eligible to claim on the Fraud Compensation Fund (FCF). This is excellent news for the victims of these scams. 

Our business plan 2021/22

Our Business Plan 2021/22 outlines how we’ll continue to protect our members in a volatile market and deliver on our planned milestones.

Changes to the compensation cap 2021/22

In July 2021 the Court of Appeal ruled the PPF compensation cap was unlawful on the grounds of age discrimination, so we’re no longer applying it and we’re removing it from affected PPF pensioners. The information below is provided for anyone who still needs to refer to the previous situation.

First Diversity Pay Gap report published

The PPF’s publication of its ethnicity figures makes it one of the first organisations in the pensions industry to announce the difference in the hourly rates of pay and bonus pay between white ethnic minority employees.