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The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has today announced its final levy rules for 2024/25 and confirmed a 50 per cent reduction in its target levy collection to £100m next year, down from £200m in 2023/24.
If you need further help and support, please feel free to give us a call or email. We welcome direct and early engagement and always treat all conversations in strict confidence, even speaking on a ‘no names’ basis initially if you prefer. General guidance on insolvency and the assessment period These notes will help you meet your statutory obligations and our expectations conducting insolvencies during the assessment period.
We will take part in restructuring if it means the return from the employer will be better than if the business had been simply left to fail. It usually involves removing the pension debt from the company, allowing it to continue to trade with a positive cash flow and potentially make a profit.
In this blog, our Chief Actuary, Shalin Bhagwan, shares his thoughts on the key themes in The Purple Book 2023 and what these could mean for the PPF and the wider DB universe.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has today published the Purple Book 2023, which showed a significant improvement in the net funding position of the universe of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes it protects in the past year.
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