Chief People Officer Katherine Easter at the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has highlighted during National Inclusion Week the “enormous value” in supporting underrepresented talent kickstart their careers in the pensions industry.
The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has announced the appointment of Simon Gadd and Sonia Gogna to its Board as non-executive directors from 1 September.
Our Board helps hold us accountable and makes sure we meet our aims now and in the future. It also performs some functions given to it by law, such as setting a levy on pension schemes.
The Modern Slavery Act�came into effect in March 2015. As one way of tackling the problem of modern slavery, the act requires that all commercial organisations, with a turnover of more than �36 million, provide an annual �slavery and human trafficking� statement. � Modern Slavery Statement 2022 Our statement, as required by law, sets out the steps we�re taking to make sure that this doesn�t happen.�
Our Board helps hold us accountable and makes sure we meet our aims now and in the future. Our Executive Committee are responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation.
We raise the money we need to pay compensation to current and future PPF members, as well as for the costs of running the PPF, in four ways.
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