On Tuesday this week we joined other money and pension arms-length bodies to talk with Members of Parliament (MPs) as part of Talk Money Week.
We attended the event alongside the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), The Pensions Regulator, The Pensions Ombudsman, The Financial Conduct Authority and pensions specialists from the House of Commons Library.
Each year MaPS host Talk Money Week to help people have open conversations about their finances. Throughout the week, there are plenty of events and activities to help people build their confidence with money and provide different tools and resources.
The discussion focused on how we could support MPs to talk to their constituents about pensions and financial wellbeing.
The event was a valuable opportunity to explain what the PPF does and our important role in protecting defined benefit schemes. MPs were also able to learn more about the different types of pension schemes that their constituents belong to.
Sir Stephen Timms, Chair of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, celebrated the work that the money and pensions arms-length bodies do in supporting people’s financial wellbeing and improving people’s knowledge of the importance of saving for retirement.
More about Talk Money Week
Talk Money Week is an opportunity for you to get involved with events happening across the country which help you have more open conversations about money, including your pensions. For more information, visit the resources available at this page.