Our levy consultation, which proposes changes to our levy rules for 2024/25, is now open to receive submissions.
The seven-week consultation welcomes views from levy payers and other stakeholders on the proposed levy estimate and our approach to future levy collection.
A summary of our proposals
- Halve the levy from £200 million to £100 million
- Increase the Levy Scaling Factor to 0.40 (from 0.37)
- Reduce the Scheme-based Levy Multiplier to 0.000015 (from 0.000019)
- Continue using A10 s179 assumptions rather than moving to A11 s179 assumptions.
Submit your views
Read more about our proposals and share your views by responding to the consultation.
There are two versions of the consultation response form – short and long – depending on your preference.
The consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 30 October and we’ll publish the final levy rules in December 2023.