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About us
What we do
Who we protect
Leadership and governance
How we're funded
Sustainability strategy
Current vacancies
Diversity and inclusion
Contact us
Technical Support
Schemes we've assessed
Worried about your pension
What happens if your employer becomes insolvent
What is the PPF Trustmark
What being a PPF member means
What being a FAS member means
Will my pension increase?
What the ECJ rulings mean for you
PPF member login
FAS member login
Levy payers
What is the levy and who pays for it?
Introduction to the levy
Is your scheme eligible?
How we set the levy rules
Insolvency risk scores
How we calculate the levy
Levy timeline
Help shape our rules
Future of the Levy
2025/26 Levy year
2024/25 Levy year
Past levy year rules
Ways to reduce the levy
What are contingent assets
What are deficit reduction contributions
Asset backed contributions
How to certify contingent assets
How to certify deficit reduction contributions
Self certifying deficit reduction contributions
Paying your levy
How to pay your levy
Understanding your invoice
Help paying your levy
How to apply for a payment plan
Request a levy review
Who can apply for a levy waiver
Receiving your invoice electronically
How to check your information
How to update the information we have about you
How to provide scheme data
How to provide insolvency risk information
How to appeal your score
Get levy help and support
Trustees and advisers
Restructuring professionals and insolvency practitioners
Restructuring guidance
The insolvency practitioner's role in the assessment process
Insolvency guidance and support
Payment of dividends, guarantees or loan notes
Submit an s120 insolvency notice
Submit s122 notification
Scheme trustees
Appointing an independent trustee
The role of trustees during assessment
Practical tips for managing risk
Pension professionals
Valuation and guidance statements
Compensation cap factors
Commutation factors
Early retirement factors
Late retirement factors
Step-down factors
Guaranteed minimum pensions
Consultation documents
Technical guidance for previous periods
Our assessment process
Our panels
Panel hub login
Responsible Investment
Our investment principles and strategy
How we allocate our assets
News and reports
Sustainability strategy
Diversity and inclusion strategy
Funding strategy
Strategic plan
PPF 7800 index
The Purple Book
Annual report
Climate change report
Responsible investment report
Diversity pay gap report
Media centre
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